

Oklahoma established itself as the state with the most comprehensive approach to leveling the playing field in the electric vehicle (EV) charging marketplace through the passage of Senate Bill 502 in 2023. SB 502 addressed key barriers to the creation of an equitable EV charging marketplace in Oklahoma, mainly by preventing electric utilities from using ratepayer funds to subsidize the creation and operation of EV charging stations. SB 502 permits electric utilities to own and operate EV chargers, but only through a separate subsidiary subject to the same rates, terms and conditions as private EV charging operators. SB 502 also codified the ability of private businesses to sell electricity for EV charging without being regulated as a utility.

Key Provisions of SB 502:

Codified the ability of private entities to sell electricity for EV charging 

Requires that any utilities seeking to enter the EV charging market must do so through a separate and unregulated subsidiary subject to the same rates, terms and conditions as all EV charging operators in the market

CAP was proud to work with members, allies and other stakeholders to raise awareness and build support for this legislation. A diverse group of organizations supported this legislation, including trade associations, transportation advocates and retailers interested in getting into the EV charging business. While the passage of SB 502 was a major step forward for the future of the Oklahoma EV charging network there is still work to be done! Antiquated rate structures reliant on demand charges continue to discourage investment in EV charging and must be addressed.


Your Voice Matters. This issue can’t wait – join today!

A change in public policy is needed to meet our country’s growing EV charging needs. To date, policies have largely been dictated by power companies. And the result has been great for utility companies but not for EV drivers and utility customers. To achieve a successful nationwide charging network, private businesses and consumers must have a seat at the table. It’s time that all stakeholders – from electricity consumers and EV drivers to transportation infrastructure businesses and related industries – be heard. Now is the time for us to charge ahead!